What’s happening when Diaries opens its pages again in January?
Our first episode back is a very Damon and Elena-centric story. The two of them go off on a little adventure and bond in a way she didn’t think they were capable of. Having left her necklace behind with the vervaine, the question is: is Damon taking Elena along of her own free will or is he controlling her to enjoy the experience. Also, Gina Torres (Firefly, 24) guest stars as a witch that Damon goes to visit.
Sounds like you’re building toward a romantic triangle?
Yes. The interesting thing about the Damon/Stefan/Elena triangle is that Damon’s heart belongs to Katherine forever and always. But as we go through the rest of the season, he’s going to get to know Elena better and better. And can Elena and Stefan’s relationship survive her learning the truth about Katherine? Damon never lied to her and didn’t’ have sex with her. At least not yet.
How about the mystery vampire?
Who he is and what he wants is our next big step. We’ll also learn whether the tomb can be happened and what would happen if he does.
What’s going to happen with newbie witch Bonnie?(Katerina Graham)
Just as she’s having the very human experience of coming of age, she has to deal with the fact that she is a witch. She tries to run away from it at first, but she’s going to embrace it and let it control her so she can learn how to control it. She’s going to be very powerful.
Since, as you all say, Vicki is really really dead, will there be any more major demises?
Kevin Williamson likes to say that nobody’s safe. If we couldn’t kill people, we wouldn’t be a vampire show.
Will there be any girls who get turned and have time to savor their vampire-ness longer than poor Vicki?
Anyone who’s read the books knows the answer to that question.
So Elena will become a vampire?
Yes, but that’s certainly not in the cards [for the show] any time soon. As the series gets older and deeper, there is room for a female vampire who’s turned, who doesn’t necessarily have to be a psychotic crazy person.
What’s next for the two characters most affected by Vicki’s death, Matt (Zach Roerig) and Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen)?
So far they’re led to believe that she’s just gone and screwed up. Eventually the truth about what really happened to her will come out and rock everybody’s world. It’s going to change a lot of relationships. In the meantime, we’ll be digging into where do Matt and Caroline (Candice Accola), these two unlikely partners, go in their relationship. Jeremy has a new friend/father figure in the form of the new history teacher Alaric Saltzman (Matt Davis). We’re not really sure what he’s doing in Mystic Falls and what his game is. He’s got a surprising backstory. And finally, we still have to discover who turned Logan Fell (Chris J. Johnson) into a vampire.
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