But the big story is Lexi, the fun and old vampire who shows up to party with Stefan, wear a towel and distract Elena and fight Damon. But in the end, despite being stronger, Damon's intelligence won out and he got the upper hand by launching his Diabolical Master Plan.
The 5 Best Moments
Choking Damon
For seven episodes, Damon has been the big bad wolf on The Vampire Diaries, so it was fun and a bit of a shock to see Lexi show up and put him in his place. She choked him and proved that Damon might seem intimidating, but in the world of vampires, he's a wussy band geek.
Damon and Elena
For a brief moment, we got a glimpse at the interesting dynamic between these two characters as they stared at Lexi and Stefan enjoying themselves at the party. Even if they never have a real romance, I adore the strange love-hate relationship between these two, especially because it's mostly hate.
Matt and Caroline
I actually support this budding romance, because it will finally give Matt a chance to get a substantive story. Also, the prospect of a Matt-Caroline-Damon love triangle is a lot more exciting than the dull Tyler-Vicki-Jeremy one.
Damon Kills Lexi
Part of me is sad that The Vampire Diaries keeps killing off all the vampires, but Lexi's death was outstanding. Damon stepped up and ominously started off his "diabolical master plan" by getting involved with the Council.
It's Coming
What the heck was that ending? Bonnie had a crazy dream and heard that "It's coming" before waking up in a cemetery. I don't know what's coming, but the sudden impact of that final scene definitely has me looking forward to whatever it is.
The 5 Best Quotes
"Have you met you? You're not a nice person." - Lexi's simple explanation to Damon about why she doesn't like him
"You'll rock her world so hard with your vamp sex she'll be yours forever." - Lexi, making the idea of vampire sex even hotter by building some anticipation for it
"So she's not a raging bitch then?" - Lexi's detailed analysis about the differences between Elena and Katherine
"When you wear it, it makes you look fat." - Caroline's hilariously rude explanation for why Bonnie should give her back the necklace
"I have a diabolical master plan." - Damon joking, to Lexi, but not really
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