with their parents – that would be awkward." Ian agrees, adding, "It's different. There's a subtle sort of humour." Asked if they've ever experienced the same sort of craziness as fellow vamp Robert Pattinson, Ian admits, "People ask me to bite them a lot." Paul, too. "A girl asked me to bite her as well, in a bar," he tells us. Eek! However, none of them are at the stage where they can't leave the house. "We're not that popular yet," jokes Ian, as Paul adds, "He [R-Pattz] can't even go out. Not even Johnny Depp is at his level. I don't think I'd want that." When we asked what it is about vampires that audiences can't seem to get enough of, all three were in agreement that humans love the idea of "danger and love" together, with Ian explaining, "As a vampire you lose the constraints of a mortal human. Humans are lured to something that's sexy and dangerous at the same time." Ian, Nina and Paul are staying here in London for a few days to "hang out and be tourists" and Nina told us excitedly that she can't wait to visit Topshop. Wise lady.
If you'd like a sneak peek at The Vampire Diaries, you can download the very first episode on iTunes right NOW. It's already stormed straight to the top of their chart. The whole series will start on ITV2 early next year. We can't wait!
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