On the
While talking to the press about her new show, Nina Dobrev explained why she thinks vampires are so popular, and admitted to being a fan of both Twilight and True Blood.
Q: What made you want to take this role?
Nina: I think that she has a relatability and an innocence, and something that really gives her somewhere to go. She's a real person. She has problems, she's hurting and she falls in love, and the relationship is complicated, just like every relationship is. And then, you find out, on top of everything, it's not an average relationship that's complicated to begin with, but he's also a vampire, so there's another little bump in the road.
Q: What is it about Elena that you can really relate to?
Nina: I think that Elena has a lot of myself. I feel like I'm a lot like my character, in that sense. But, she has to be innocent. I know that's one thing that's different, in the books. In the book, Elena is a very different character, but we really wanted somebody that had a vulnerability and a relatability, and who looks for the good in everyone. And, although things aren't good right now because she is in a tough place, where she has lost her parents and her brother is going on a downward spiral, but she's still trying to find the good in everyone and fix things and be optimistic. She's trying to cope.
Q: Will the triangle between Stefan, Elena and Damon continue?
Nina: That's what's so intriguing. The thing about our show is that it's not something that we're going to drag out. They're really going and hitting all the stops, right from the beginning. The second episode is really intense. And, by the third one, we were shocked at how fast everything was moving along and how much action there was. We're also definitely pushing a lot of envelopes with the show.
Q: Will Elena find out about the woman that looks like Stefan's first love?
Nina: It will develop, and things will start to open up and happen. I can't say too much, but I wasn't kidding when I said that things happen fast on the show. In the second episode, you're already going to learn a lot, and Elena is going to start discovering a lot, too.
Q: Is Elena in love with Stefan?
Nina: At this point, she doesn't know what it is. They have this odd connection that she doesn't understand.
Q: The cast is so isolated in Atlanta. Do you hang out with each other because of that?
Nina: Ian and Paul are like my brothers. Ian helped me buy my first car last week. I got an Audi. He bullied me into it. He was like, "You have to get this one. You're going to love it." I would have gotten a Volvo, as long as it got me to the set. I don't really care.
Q: Do you all stay in the same area?
Nina: Yeah, we all live in the downtown/mid-town area. The guys take care of me, like I'm their little sister ‘cause I'm not really used to all this. Kayla Ewell, the girl who plays Vicki, and I live together. We have an apartment together.
Q: How has the show affected your life?
Nina: The show hasn't aired yet, and we're in Georgia, in a very small town. At first, I was a little skeptical and scared to be moving again. I had just moved to L.A., so I was like, "Oh, I have to get up and move my life again." But, I got there, and there's something about going to work, getting your things done, going home and not really having that much to do, and just sitting at home in your sweats and watching a movie. I love that.
Q: Degrassi seems to be such a great training ground for actors to then populate American television. What brought you to this role?
Nina: You're right, a lot of my castmates and I have been doing a lot of great things, and it started out with Degrassi. I came to L.A., for the first time, in January of this past year, and The Vampire Diaries was actually my first audition for a pilot. I read the script, and I loved it. I thought it was really cool. And, I'd just gotten off a series, so obviously I was trained and ready to do it, and I knew the drill. It just worked out. The character was great, and I guess they liked what I was doing. I was sick for that first audition, and then I had to go back to Toronto to shoot a film, so I put myself on tape. The tape is what eventually got me the part.
Q: What is it about Degrassi that makes all of the cast able to easily make the transition to American television?
Nina: I don't know. I think we've all been lucky. We worked with great people and were supported, and they really took the time to teach us. It's a great training ground, and everyone is really supportive and like a family.
Q: Did you feel like you were ready for anything, coming out of that?
Nina: Yeah. I felt really prepared. And, I love and miss everyone.
Q: Why do you think there is such a vampire craze right now?
Nina: It's not really a fad. It's timeless, wouldn't you agree? Vampires don't die. They're always around. They're eternal. It just seems like, right now, people are really responding, and they really like it.
Q: How do you feel about vampires?
Nina: Maybe there's a reason why the mythology exists. It must have spawned from something. I don't necessarily believe that there are really people out there who feed on human blood, but maybe something happened that sparked the mythology.
Q: Which of these two vampires would you choose, if you had your choice?
Nina: I don't know. I don't think I can really make that decision. I love these boys, but they're like my brothers. But, in terms of characters, Stefan is the man who tries to reach out to her soul, and he cares about her and takes care of her, whereas Damon has that bad-boy quality, and every girl likes a bad boy, at the end of the day.
Q: Is that really true?
Nina: It is and it isn't. It depends on the person. It's a toss-up. They're both great guys.
Q: Why do you think women are so attracted to vampires?
Nina: There is something about a man who lurks in the dark.
Q: Have you actually read these books?
Nina: I have.
Q: Have you seen Twilight, and how do you feel that stacks up to what you're doing here?
Nina: Yeah, I've seen it. I read the Twilight books, way back. Well, it really wasn't that long ago, but it felt like a long time ago. Anyway, it was before the actual whole vampire, Twilight craze, Rob Pattinson obsession started with everyone in the world. So, I was unaffected, in that sense. But, I really liked them. There are some similarities. There are vampires in both. But, as the series goes on, you'll see that it's different.
Q: Are you ready for all the crazy vampire genre fans?
Nina: We'll see what happens. I just take it day by day.
Q: Why do you think vampires are so popular right now? What do you make of that?
Nina: Everyone is fascinated. I think it's great. I love that I'm part of it. I love the Twilight movies. I'm obsessed with True Blood. I like it, too. You grow up and you hear the stories, at home with your family, and you watch some of the movies, like An Interview With a Vampire. They're mystical, but yet still human. There's sci-fi, which is all about aliens and that kind of stuff, but these are people with special abilities, who are sexy and scary. You always want what you can't have.
Q: Would you want to be immortal?
Nina: I don't know if I would want that. I have a pretty cool life. I think there's something romantic about the relationship between Elena and Stefan. She is his. He only wants her. He wants to treat her well, and he is fully in love with her and wants to devote his life and his existence to her.
Q: What is your life like, away from work?
Nina: I'm in Canada, but I'm from Bulgaria originally, which is a Communist country. I moved when I was two years old. My parents literally started out with nothing. I just went to school, and started dancing and doing that kind of stuff just for fun. I'm very humble because I get to do all these things. Last night, I was in Atlanta, Georgia. Last week, I was in San Diego at Comic-Con. I have all these people coming up to me. It's a really big experience for me, and I don't take it for granted at all.
Q: Was it your dream, as a little girl, to be an actress?
Nina: I think everyone's dream is to be an actress, but I never really thought it was going to happen. Now that it's happening, it's incredible. I do a lot of other things, too. I'm not stuck in this little world. I'm aware that we're in the middle of an economic crisis in the U.S. There's a lot going on in the world, and I'm really happy and excited about what I have and I don't take it for granted. I'm pretty lucky.
Q: Will there be an American Mall 2?
Nina: That's what their plan was. They wanted to do a second one. I loved that movie. I thought it was so much fun. I would do another one, if we had the opportunity, but it depends on what they decide. We haven't gotten any word yet, at this point.
Q: Were you disappointed at all that it didn't hit the High School Musical level?
Nina: Yeah ‘cause we all thought it would. It was fun. I love musicals.
Q: What is Chloe?
Nina: Chloe is a very serious drama, and I have a very small part. Especially after what happened with Liam Neeson and his tragedy, some of my scenes were cut. My character got a lot smaller, but it's a great film.
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES premieres on The CW on September 10th
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