And, word is: he sort of loves being the hot bad guy as much as we love it. "It's a lot of fun," he told MTV News. "And that's I think what is so attracting about it and the allure, there's a certain mystery and a sensuality and sexuality to this whole vampire thing."
Ian may not be aware of his own personal "manipulation power" (hint: it's those baby blues), but he does enjoy the fact he get to play a crafty, sexy vamp on TV. "I think there's a certain amount of escapism that comes within that," he said. "The other thing is that not playing a traditional 'human," ... you have an unbelievable of amount of power. I have my manipulation powers. I can look at you and tell you what I want you to think. How cool is that?"
Um, Ian, we're thinking that we don't even need the mind control for us to do whatever it is you want.
So, are you excited to check out Ian in the "Vampire Diaries"? Do you like the fact that he's "evil"?
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